How long will it take after I made a purchase to receive my order?

Instantly After purchase, your manual will be emailed with digital download directly by a link to the address you supplied. Check your Spam, Junk or Promotions folder (or even the deleted items folder) as you are likely to find your confirmation emails in one of these folders.

How do I find the correct manual?

This site allows searching for a specific model from a large range of manuals. Thus there’s a ubiquitously present search box where you just have to start typing and all related topics pop up for an easy click. You can go to MANUALS catalog and use filters to select Brand, machinery type, manual type, and language. Also, you can find a download link for a Preview PDF manual on the product page. The preview PDF file will give you enough information about manual information.

How to place an order?

We suggest you create an account or sign in before placing an order. Add products to a cart and press checkout. Fill in name, email, address and make Paypal checkout. After successful payment, you will be able to download your manuals.

Is my payment going to be safe and secure?

We are always taking extra precautions to assure our sites are 100% secure. Our e-commerce website is tested daily by McAfee Secure to ensure it is 100% safe for you. All the transactions are processed through Paypal, which is the world’s No.1 trusted and secured payment method. We also accept all Credit/Debit Cards via the Stripe payment system.

In what format are the manuals sent?

All manuals are in PDF format. You can open them on your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Mobile.
Further to that all manuals are fully zoomable and can be printed without restrictions.
If you are having any technical difficulties either opening or downloading the manuals you purchased. Please contact us with your Order ID we will be happy to assist you.